Because I Promised Her ( एक वादा ) by Sanjeev Kumar

पिछले साल आई 20 Years in Marsh :Only One truth  पाठको की के बीच काफी चर्चे में रही | लेखक संजीव कुमार की यह पहली किताब थी | जो कि उनकी जीवन की सच्ची घटनाओं पर आधारित थी |

दलदल के बीस साल किताब को पढने के बाद सभी मन में बहुत सवाल थे |  एक रोमेंटिक थ्रिलर किताब होने की वजह से इसके दुसरे भाग का इन्तेजार ,लोग बड़ी ही उत्सुकता से कर रहे थे |

यह किताब अब पेपरबैक फॉर्मेट में भी उपलब्ध है |

संजीव कुमार ने अपनी इस सच्ची कहानी का दुसरा भाग “Because I Promised Her “ शीर्षक किताब में प्रकाशित किया है | Because I Promised Her अंग्रेजी संस्करण है जबकि इसी किताब का हिंदी संस्करण एक वादा के नाम से प्रकाशित किया गया है |

यह किताब 10 मार्च 2021 अमेजन पर लांच कर दी गई है | जहां आप इसका किन्डल वर्जन ही पढ़ सकते हैं | अभी इस किताब को प्रकाशित हुए कुछ दिन हुए हैं लेकिन संजीव कुमार बेस्टसेल्लिंग की सूची में टॉप 10 में आ गये हैं | इस किताब के दोनों ही संस्करण अमेजन पर टॉप 10 में शामिल हो गई हैं |

Author:- Sanjeev Kumar

संजीव कुमार एक सरल व्यक्तित्व रखने वाले इंसान हैं , जो नई दिल्ली और चण्डीगढ़ से हैं | संजीव कुमार एक प्रोफेशनल बैंकर हैं | 20 YEAR IN MARSH-ONLY ONE TRUTH उन्होंने Self-Published की है | संजीव के अपने कि ब्लॉग हैं जहां पर वे सकारात्कता , आध्यात्मिकता, और स्टोरी टेलिंग के बारे में लिखते रहते हैं |

इनकी दोनों ही किताबे हिंदी और अंगेजी दोनों भाषाओं में उपलब्ध हैं , जिनको इन्होने खुद ही अमेजन पर स्व प्रकाशित किया है |

Because I Promised Her :

हम सभी जानते हैं कि जब भी कोई लेखक एक किताब-कहानी लिखता है , वह अपनी आत्मा और अपने आपको कागज पर उतारता है और अपने आपको उस कहानी-किताब के लिए पूरी तरह से सौंप देता है |

यह कहानी है दोस्ती की, प्यार की , धोखे की , परिवार की और हाँ एक वादे की , एक वादा जो आपको बांधे रखता है |

इस किताब की कहानी “20 Years In Marsh” ( दलदल के बीस साल ) की कहानी का दूसरा भाग है| इसलिए आप इस किताब की कहानी को आसानी से समझ पायेंगे जब आप एक बार संजीव कुमार की पहली किताब दलदल के बीस साल पढोगे |

Story line

कहानी वहीँ से शुरू होती है जहाँ पर पहली किताब की कहानी खत्म हुई थी , राज दलदल में तड़प रहा है जिसकी वजह 20 Year In Marsh में बताई गई है | लेकिन लेखक ने इस कहानी को समझने के लिए पहली किताब की कहानी को भी सारांशित किया है | इसलिए जब हम इसे पढ़ना शुरु करते हैं तो हम फिर से किरदार के साथ जुड़ जाते हैं |

राज इस समय अकेला है उसके जितने भी खास थे , कुछ उसे छोड़ कर और कुछ दुनिया छोड़ कर चले जाते हैं |

कहानी की शुरुआत बड़े ही मजेदार तरीके से होती है , शुरूआती चेप्टर में हम जब नए नए किरदारों के साथ जुड़ते हैं तो लगता है तो अंदर एक #Feeling_Good वाली फीलिंग महसूस होती है| लेकिन कहानी में इसे कई मोड़ आते हैं जहाँ पर दिल भर आता है |

क्योंकि यह वास्तविक जीवन की सत्य घटनाओं पर लिखी गई किताब है , इसलिए हमने अपने आप से और अच्छे से जोडती है |

वैसे इस किताब का नाम लेखक पहली किताब के शीर्षक के आगे भाग 2 लिखकर भी रख सकते थे ,लेकिन इसका यह शीर्षक Because I Promised Her या एक वादा रखा गया है !! इसका जवाब आपको किताब पढकर ही मिलेगा |

“Because I Promised Her” हमारे लिए जवाब है उस सवाल का जो इस किताब को पढने के बाद हमारे दिल और दिमाग में हलचल मचाता है |

इस किताब की सबसे ख़ास बात यह है कि आप अपने कुछ पुराने दिन भी जी सकते हैं | जैसे फोन कॉल पर रोमिंग लगना , 4/-min कॉल दर का होना , आपकी प्रेमिका का अपने पापा के फोन से आपको फोन कॉल करना आदि |

जैसा कि हम जानते यह किताब एक सच्ची प्रेम कहानी पर आधारित है,इसलिए लेखक ने सभी किरदारों का वर्णन अच्छी तरह से किया है | लेखक बताते हैं कि इस किताब के कई किरदार अब इस दुनिया में नहीं हैं ,लेकिन उन्होंने इस कहानी को पूरा करने में लेखक को पूरा समर्थन दिया है|

पहली किताब जहाँ ख़त्म होते होते कई सवाल हमारे सामने छोड़ गई थी | Because I Promised उन सारे सवालों का जवाब देती है |

पाठक एक बार फिर से उनकी इस कहानी के अगले भाग का इन्तजार करेंगे ||

आप इस किताब को जरुर पढ़े | और हाँ लेखक ने इसे इस उम्मीद के साथ लिखा है कि आप इसे विवेक से पढ़ें। मुझे उम्मीद है कि आपको यह पुस्तक पसंद आएगी।

इस किताब को पढकर अपने अनुभव जरुर हमारे साथ साझा करें |

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घर का बड़ा लड़का

20 YEAR IN MARSH-ONLY ONE TRUTH book Review in Hindi

Zero To One (Peter Theil) Book Summary in Hindi

कोरोना बनाम 10/10 का कमरा

181 thoughts on “Because I Promised Her ( एक वादा ) by Sanjeev Kumar”

  1. Sanjeev Sir, You did it, you rock the hearts, I love you, I Read your both version like Hindi and English, I am speechless , what to say, this book impact on me a lot, somebody truly said that a book can change your mind and life too, i was in trouble also, what to do , but i read your book and its changed my life entire life , thank you so much

    Dear Goodreads Team plz plz share me the detail of sanjeev sir, i want to meet him once….plzzzz… if somebody knows Mr. sanjeev kumar then please share the details with me….

    Plz email me at :

  2. Raj is very good in this book and i felt sorry about shubham who was very closed, this book is as good as the last book, specially Anu and Mamta characters are in place and so good, the deception is over or not still may be in next book as i assumed, the last two pages are very hidden, may be the author will show all the story in next part, overall this is a mind blowing novel , I am so happy after reading and waiting for the next part..

  3. The story which will make you cry and you will forced to think about the life, how the entire life can be spoiled with your one wrong decision, this will you know by reading this awesome book. i specially thanks to the author for such a nice novel again and i m following him and big fan of this author, i will read all the books the entire life of Mr. Sanjeev Kumar the author, because he is very innocent person as you can assumed by reading his books

  4. Awesome!
    I Didn’t think that I could love something liked this one. But this was such a fabulous story and so fast paced, I read and through it. It had me hooked and connected from start to finish.
    This wasn’t particularly horrifying for me . But hey, it’s a book of deception love and friendship which is made so specially a person, I really loved every Chapter of this book.

  5. Mr. Sanjeev Kumar’s all books are fabulous, we have many readers who are fan of Mr. kumar unfortunately most of the books are only available online not paperback, this book is fantastic as usual last book…Keep it up Mr. Kumar.

  6. What a great story man!!, This Novel is esteemed level, its story is untouchable, its just amazing Novel ever i read before….I Love this novel and story too. Where is the paperback man!!!!!!

  7. Book is awesome as the last book but the book cover is not clear as this blogger present in his blog, actual cover clarity is very good..

  8. Hey Blogger,

    You attached both of the books that’s why cover clarity is very less, please separate the cover becoz actual cover is awesome…as I have see

  9. Oh fuk man!!!!!

    The book is rocked my mind, it’s really so.amazing, I love the character Raj and Mamta…..good work by SANJEEV KUMAR…

  10. The again master stroke on deception and love story, wonderful work, keep working sir, I Thanks to the author for such the lovely Book Again.

  11. Novel is very good specially Mamta and Megha, Raj how much pain you will get, sincerely said ‘the best’ thanks to Goodread for the platform where any one say his/her voice with freedom.

  12. I loved the book so much cover is so fabulous bot English and Hindi, I start reading the book late 11’o clock , i finished the story nearby next morning 2:00 AM, i forget about to sleep, this is fantastic work, thank to the sanjeev kumar

  13. The story clearly said that there is no future of true love its 10 percent chances to make you something otherwise you will be in hell, i m completely agree with the book and if a person need as many said you can learn and doing better things instead of a part of deception, Nicely Written, I seen a big author in coming months in Mr. SANJEEV KUMAR, Keep it up sir

    Sanjeev Sir my name is Suneel Jamiyal and I belongs to Uttarakhand and big fan of you, love you so much sir, your books are so good, i will always read and follow you and your books……Dhanyawaad aapka

  14. Rocking , you made my day. One of group of readers where i was there, i have see that the aish blogger is also reviewed your books, i came here for you and i have seen that this blogs has 75 % traffic is becoz of your books….

  15. Oh Man!!!

    What a story, this is so good but still paperback is not available, i want paperback want to keep this in my bookshelf..

  16. What to say after reading this i was very much curious about the previous version in details, then got the previous version which was the first part of this book, this book is amazing and well described.. I will say only one word to the author Thank you Sir

  17. Specially loved the characters Raj and Mamta, author successfully created and atmosphere where everyone fell in love with all the characters, he done it, nice ones bro…

  18. Mr. Kumar’s books are rocking on amazon too, his books is bestselling book within 2-3 days only, his bestseller ranks is 10, means bot of the books are top 10 books in bestselling ..

    Because I Promised her

    Best Sellers Rank: in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
    #10 in Teen & Young Adult Biography eBooks
    #10 in Love & Romance (Kindle Store)
    #105 in Biographies & Memoirs (Kindle Store)

    Ek Wada on Amazon
    Best Sellers Rank: in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
    #9 in Parenting & Relationships eBooks
    #9 in Biographies & Autobiographies (Kindle Store)

    Both of the books are top 10 in which 10 number is Because i promised her and 9 number is wada

    Wonderful Performance by the book within 2 days only….

  19. Even the book’s fantastic performance in Japan, France and Denmark also..
    the book is so amazing for the book lover but paperback is not available and may be paperback will come in next week..

  20. the book is so awesome that’s why its performance on online book store are amazing, book storyline is really knocking on all the hearts, five star for both mr. kumar and the book.. keep doing well sir…

  21. The last of the two pages of the books seemed hidden by the author may be some facts will be cleared in coming book…

  22. Maine kal is kitab ko din me padha, sach me Jaan par ban aayi , kya likha Hain .. kitab me mujhe Kai logo se mohabbat ho gyi , jabki Kai logo se nafrat BHI hi hui

  23. When I search for this book , this blog on top of the search page, book is very touching to souls, very well described and written…

  24. In The English as per writing seems as written by such a philospher typo person, may be Mr. Kumar is an student of literatures…

  25. Bhai log Jo Maja Apne hath me kitab padhne Ka ata Hain , Kindle par padhne par wo.mja aadha ho Jaya krta h, kitab achhi h , mujhe to yeh kitab mere hath me Chahiye..

  26. Five star Work, you deserve it sir becoz book speak itself.. but i have a question that it seems very strange there is no information or blog or article on such a nice author…isn’t, why sir , why you want to be hidden?????

  27. Excellent Job by Sanjeev Sir.. Most followed Author in Goodreads also…The number 3 Rank in goodreads most searchable author in book’s best website.. he deserve it, I am From the Saudi and big fan of him…he use very innocent and truer words which make him a sincere person, he doesn’t have any ego like he never treated like he is a big author or any thing else, he is good person himself..

    • Yes Amira you are true, he is most followed author in Goodreads,

      I have seen the Amazon and Goodreads Charts, the book sold around 2759 units in 36 Hours including Paid and free units,
      Most of the book is sold in Canada, France, Denmark and America

      it means people are accepting the title, good work by the author

  28. Kehte hain ek lekhak aapka swbhav aur aapki life bdal deta hain, yeh kitab padhne par sach hii lagta hain, maine is se pehle wali kitab bhi padhi thi, jab aap pehli kitab padhoge aur uske baad is kitab ko padehnge to aapko bahut mza aayega yeh kitab aapko romanchit kar degi …bahut hii shandar kahani

  29. I have seen the Amazon and Goodreads Charts, the book sold around 2759 units in 36 Hours including Paid and free units,
    Most of the book is sold in Canada, France, Denmark and America

    it means people are accepting the title, good work by the author

  30. To,
    The Aish Blog Owner.

    Mr. Blogger, I am very big fan of Mr. Kumar and and I have read the all the comments which is on your website, I would request you to please give 5 Star review and positive review on and amazon India,

    Please encourage your family and friends too so that Mr. Kumar’s Book’s review 5 Star on amazon too as I have seen Goodreads also..

    First of all Mr. Blogger you should give 5 Star on amazon both books like Hindi and English, becoz people are mostly followed on your blog on internet…

  31. No brother I don’t think Mr. Kumar encourage people to posted their review on Amazon, because most of the fans followed reviews on Goodreads only, rest your wish

  32. The book is rocking man, bestselling rank is 5 and within 3-4 hours it will be ranked #1 in all genre as per Amazon reports..

  33. Means I am searching for Because I Promised her then this website ranked on 1 no and 1 page??? Did this guy beats Goodreads or openlibrary…..Mr.kumar is lucky for this website…

  34. Saala Mera to dimga hi khrab ho Gaya , Mera to sabhi ladkiyo ke upar se vishwash hii uth gya….Acha Kiya Maine yeh kitab padh lii warna main BHI inke chakkar me ragda Jaya…dhnywad sir

  35. Kya Kisi ke andar ITNA gam.bhi chhupa ho Sakta Hain , bahut sochne wali BAAT h, likhte hue BHI usne har gam ko mehsoos Kiya Hoga , vo dobara phir se tadpa Hoga Jo Kabhi sab bhul chuka tha USKO Sab drd dobara sehna padha hoga

    • The answer is yes, he is good writer, he is having lots of pain people cheated him and he can through many people’s deception, a life what can be his books all about..

  36. the awesome book in love and romance, when i read it i was forced to think of an girl, a girl can change your entire life and took you into the hell entire life, i read the last book of this author, i am fan of this author he writes well..

  37. I love the chapter when mamta entered when i read the chapter she was so cute and innocents seems, overall the book is good specially Raj, still he not gets his peace

  38. the book is all about a dedication towards a person which you really loved one, but when you throughout and kicked without any mistake it means you are being forced to be an villian, many of the people here in this world are for money, buy they don’t know how much time and happiness you will get from, the true love will always with you forever once its gone you left lots of thing, nobody can carry money this world from you have to be think on this, the boy in the book is very honest and a young boy as we were in collage , he deserved a nice life but circumstances out him…..

  39. When we searched about the book your blog position no 1, that’s great, why not you create an article on Mr. Kumar so that we know him better, what exactly in his mind and if you know then create an audiobook for this book also if Kumar gives you a permission, paperback of this book was supposed to launched today , please confirm and share the link of Paperback also……….I want to keep this book with me..

  40. as emmy said make article on mr. kumar, paperback aaj aajna tha uska link share lkaro, mr. kumar kii kitab ka audiobook bhi bnao if her permitted

    Paperback ka link share karo

  41. You guys are effort so much which is really appreciable and should be , i want to tell you one thing, why you guys not write article on this author which is very hidden and may be he is shy, I personally believe because i m 55 year on person , this kind of the people are to change the system,, i don’t know people what said but i want to know about mr kumar’s life biography ,,,,,,,please create an article on it …………..can you do this..

    • I also want to create an article about author’s life…..

      Because I also don’t know about the author that much ..I am researching and collecting the details about his life and inspiration of writing these book.

      I will definitely create ..

        • मेरा मतलब था कि मैं भी अभी लेखक के बारे उतना कुछ जानता नहीं हूं, मैं अभी उनके बारे में जानकारी एकत्रित करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ।।।
          जिससे मैं वो जानकारी आप सभी के साथ साझा कर सकूं।।

          • मैं यह कहना चाहता था कि संजीव जी को इस कहानी को किताब का रूप देने के प्रेरणा कैसे मिली।।।

  42. Aap KO Sanjeev Kumar Ji ki kitabo KO Instagram Facebook Pinterest Twitter par BHI post Karna Chahiye jis se aapki aur sir koi popularity badhe, ho sake to Facebook par is kitab ke na’am se ek page hii bna do yaa you tube me BHI is kitab me bare me btao

  43. Zindagi bhee badii ajib cheez Hain, yahan Kuch BHI hi skta Hain , muje to aage kii kahani padhni Hain….sir main aapkii aage kii kahani padhni chahunga

  44. I@love the moment when Raj said live your life openly and so whatever your mind or heart say, may be the next moment you are not….it’s fantastic..

  45. Why Mamta was refused, why her love was not accepted by Raj, iit effect will work throughout the life as Raj feeling still in the book…..she was assumed good may be she was perfect for Raj just because of justification of his past circumstances he not accepted, I personally believe if Raj accepted Mamta then he no need to worry entire life, you should açcept the person who loves you not you love someone, overall book is nice and Mamta need more attention than other characters…

  46. What happened to Nidhi and the family, they have no son now, what happened to Nidhi why Raj didn’t try to be the son of shubham’s family while they approached for being themselves…

  47. Main dua karunga ki Meenakshi KO jeewan me Kabhi BHI koi Khushi naa mile, wo mar mar ke jiye, use is hi duniya me narak mile , usne Kai logo kii Zindagi kharab Kar dii, usne sabkii Zindagi kharab Kar ke apni buniyaad Rakhi , bhagwaan use narak me BHI jgah naa De…haram….Kahi kii

  48. The very old said we got a chance once in life but many of the times we not accept the best one, it’s fails of system and entire life…

  49. Are main janta Hun Sanjeev Kumar ji ko, agla part sabhi ko hairaan aur pareshaan Kar dega, agla part bahut hi bhayankar hone wala Hain , Jahan tak mujhe Lagta Hain..

  50. The fantastic book by fantastic person, book is most selling in Europe and America , most of the Spanish people buying this book, one of my friend is also in Spain he also buy kindly version ..

  51. first i read all the comments about this book then i purchased this book, believe me this book really deserves all the comments, its fantastic man!!


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